I tried to create a list of MOCs that are based on real rockets, spacecrafts or probes (or at least designs of planned real rockets, spacecrafts or probes) with instructions, either free or for money. The list was growing and growing and now it is far greater than I expected:https://kaerodot.gitlab.io/lego-rocket-mocs/Due to the nature of the universe, this list will never be complete and perfect, so please contact me with ideas for improvements and additions. If you are offended and you do not want your work to be included in the list, please contact me also.Tables can be sorted by clicking on the heading.Some statistics: there are instructions for: 97 different rocket and spacesihp MOCs, of this: 5 different MOCs of Spacex falcon 9; 3 Spacex falcon heavy; 6 saturn 1B; 3 Soyuz rockets; 3 V2; additional 52 different MOCs of spaceprobes; additional 26 launchpads, launch complexes, drone ships etc.If you want to build e.g. mercury rocket, you can just select by the pictures.