E pa ko drugi nego ja da otvori ovu temu.Ne verujem da ce se pricati na njoj kao na ostalima ali mene malo vredja(
) sto se technic izostavlja na forumu.Pa ovako posto setove iz 2012 znate evo za sledecu godinu se nacule neke glasine.
42001: Mini Off-Roader
This seems to be a very small set, but there is not much we can see from the image available.
Most prominent color - Orange.
42005: Monster Truck
Mid-sized monster truck with red body.
It seems to have suspension at the 4 wheels and 4-wheel steering.
42008: Service Truck
This is a large Tow Truck type vehicle with Power Functions in the box and pneumatics.
Truck has 4 wheeled axles. Two steered at front and other two in the rear side.
It seems to include one Battery Box and one motor, although can\'t be sure whether it is M, L or XL-motor.
Color schema is green (panels) plus red (front bumper and tow).
42009: Mobile Crane MK II
This is a large mobile crane with 5 wheeled axles and 3 section boom.
It includes also several Power Functions elements with the box. One Battery Box and one motor.
It seems there is something more included, but maybe it is just the rear outriggers popping over the PF orange side banner.
Color schema is fundamentally yellow, as usually LEGO does, for this type of machinery.
With the usual low quality images that we have at this point, there is not much we could infer about the construction itself.
Evo i linkova do slika jer ih ne smem kaciti.
Mini Off-Roader: ************
Monster Truck: ************
Service Truck: *****************
Mobile Crane MK II: ***********
Decko je na technic forumu okacio linkove pa posto su tamo slicna pravila kao nasa i ja cu samo linkove da kacim.
Edit (zidane): Kod nas ne kace ni linkovi
Inace izgleda da dobijamo js jedan mobile crane sto je u jednu ruku bzv jer vec imam 8053 ali ovaj ce biti nalik na 8421 sto mi se dosta svidja.Svakako cu ga jedan dan kupiti posto je tipa seta najveci znaci 23 soma na kocki.:cry:
Od ovog gradskog kamiona sam ocekivao onu flouroscentnu zelenu kad sam cuo green ali me ova odusevila i pneumatica.
Pitam ja vas pa jel moze nesto bolje?
Malo je glupo sto ponavljaju setove ali posto ja kupujem samo vece meni je super.