Nisam bas u toku, pa da pitam. Hoce li izlaziti neki manji castle setovi za nas obicne smrtnike?
izlazi 5 castle setova...ovaj na slici je najveći
- 70400 Forest ambush, £8, two knights pulling a cart loaded with gold being ambushed by two baddies from behind a tree.
- 70401 Horse carriage getaway, £18, red/black carriage being pulled by a single black horse, a small chunk of castle, two knights and a crossbow cart.
- 70402 Gatehouse raid, £25, a section of castle wall with a gate in it, two knights guarding it, a black/red catapult and two baddies, one on horseback.
- 70403 Dragon peak, £35, damsel imprisoned in a small prison, which is raised up and reached by a spiral staircase. Two knights with a large catapault, a red/black wizard (I presume) and a red dragon, not unlike those in the fantasy-era castle sets.
- 70404 King\'s castle, £80, excellent looking 4-sided castle with drawbridge, three turrets, 3 or 4 knights plus the King, three baddies and a siege machine of some sort.
otprilike 8 funti je 10€...