Autor Tema: Star Wars 2012 - 2020  (Pročitano 107758 puta)


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« Odgovor #390 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 09:44:13:pre podne »
Jel jos neko primetio da na ccbs sw setovima na ledjima su zubcanici, sto vodi ka tome da predpostavljam da ce biti gearbox, i pokretne ruke?
Unity, Duty and Destiny!


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« Odgovor #391 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 05:02:58:posle podne »
Definitivno set koji ce obeleziti novu godinu je novi Droid Escape Pod 75136,provereno najbolja kapsula za spasavanje do sada!


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« Odgovor #392 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 05:06:46:posle podne »

Set koji cu sigurno nabaviti i set koji ce dopuniti moju pobunjenicku flotu je set Resistance Troop Transporter,sjajne minifigure,novog Akbara i princeze koju su ocigledno stigle godine! Brod podseca na svima poznatog B-wing-a,ali takodje ima i neki svoj fazon koji se meni dja.
« Poslednja izmena: Novembar 29, 2015, 05:09:52:posle podne SithLord »


  • Član kluba (redovni)
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« Odgovor #393 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 05:57:50:posle podne »
Hm, kapsula jeste jaaako dobra!

Što se tiče scene onog sukoba kod onog zida, i svakome ko nije upućen u LoTR bi set Bitka za Helmov ponor bio "neko parče zida kod kog se neki tuku". Treba verovatno sagledati set u kontekstu filma i scene u kojoj se pojavljuje. Lepi su mi oni stubići/bandere/štagod...
...и нестадох у измаглици...


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« Odgovor #394 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 06:08:01:posle podne »
Battle on Takodana se zove set, ima korisnih delova,ocigledno ono drvo pada,ali mislim da je set trebao da bude za nijansu veci,samim tim i masivniji,ne izgleda mi ubedljivo,ali treba sačekati film  :wink:


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« Odgovor #395 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 07:51:32:posle podne »
film ce biti uzasan, prvo ste to culi ovde  :wacky:
A Lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”


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« Odgovor #396 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 09:30:22:posle podne »
film ce biti uzasan, prvo ste to culi ovde  :wacky:

uh ja pokusavam biti optimista jos malo, ali kako vreme odmice i kako se prisecam JJA filmova , optimizam malo čili


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« Odgovor #397 poslato: Novembar 29, 2015, 11:54:19:posle podne »
Ne može biti gori od epizoda I-III...  :sick:


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« Odgovor #398 poslato: Decembar 13, 2015, 08:58:37:posle podne »
Izlazi nova ucs zvezda smrti u 2016oj godini  :smilie:


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« Odgovor #399 poslato: Decembar 19, 2015, 08:29:18:posle podne »
Jos jedan set je predstavljen...

Hm, sada kada sam pogledao film:
1) Deo građevine, iako sastavljen od fantastičnih delova u fantastičnim bojama, je prilično očajno nezanimljiv...
2) Sama građevina, bar kako je meni delovalo, ima drugačiji kolorit (više je tamno siva).
3) Figurice su ooodlične! Čak i jedan od trupera ima onaj žestoki premlaćivač! ZZUUUM-TRAAAS!!!
4) Set je kanonski malo besmislen... Neki se ovde nisu ni sreli...

Ako rezimiramo i ostale setove iz ovog serijala, dolazim otprilike do istog zaključka koji sam imao i kada sam gledao setove i dok sam gledao film: Imperijalni transporter je odličan (uz malo dorade može da zablista), dok je transporter koji koristi Otpor (Pobunjenici valjda) i po izgledu i po fizici i po funkcionalnosti - glupost.
...и нестадох у измаглици...


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Odg: Star Wars 2012 - 2015
« Odgovor #400 poslato: Januar 25, 2016, 03:54:30:pre podne »
opis setova sa London toy fair-a, koje mozemo ocekivati u drugoj polovini godine

75145 Eclipse Fighter - £34.99
This set is based on an upcoming LEGO Star Wars animated series and features two minifigures, one of whom is armed with a red lightsaber, as well as a predominantly black craft and a small speeder bike. The Eclipse Fighter itself looks decent and includes lots of curved slopes and tiles which form attractive bodywork.

Presumably some hinge plates are used inside to create a wedge shape as both sides of the fuselage are angled horizontally towards the back of the model. The cockpit is set at the rear of the craft and holds a single minifigure while the speeder bike is a separate vehicle entirely and belongs to the other minifigure, who is seen riding it on the packaging.

75147 Star Scavenger - £49.99
Four minifigures are included in this set, one of which is a droid represented at the toy fair by a Battle Droid in dark orange, although I don’t know whether that will be the final minifigure or not. The hammerhead-shaped bridge section holds just one minifigure and there are weapons mounted on either side, rather like 75025 Jedi Defender Class Cruiser.

The rear section is fairly substantial and includes two thrusters as well as angled armour plating which covers each flank of the vessel and extends far enough to form small wings. Inside is a vehicle with a shovel mounted on the front which can be removed for scavenging operations, as the name would suggest. The entire model is light bluish grey and dark bluish grey with dark blue highlights and looked rather messy to me, borrowing features or many other craft and combining them to form an ugly craft.

75148 Encounter on Jakku - £49.99
I had high hopes for this set and am very pleased with the results. Rey, BB-8, Unkar Plutt, Teedo and another Jakku Thug are included along with Teedo’s Luggabeast which is mainly brick built but includes some new leg elements which are articulated independently. This model measured about 15cm in length. I cannot comment on the quality of the minifigures as they were not shown.

Unkar Plutt’s junk shop at Niima Outpost also appears in the set and looks as ramshackle as it is in the movie. A couple of small huts and tents are spread across a 16x16 plate and a 8x16 plate along with lots of small assemblies which represent old engines and other bits of scrap harvested from crashed Rebel and Imperial starships.

75149 Resistance X-wing Fighter - £79.99
This set looks like a replica of 75102 Poe’s X-wing fighter, albeit with a blue and white colour scheme rather than orange and black. The model offers few new functions but the Hyperdrive is removable from the rear of the fighter. I was hoping the laser cannon concealed underneath would be present but unfortunately it is not. A small piece of Tuanal village is included with a pop-up flame feature to replicate the incineration of the settlement in the opening scene of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Four minifigures are found in this set: Poe Dameron wearing his jacket, BB-8, Lor San Tekka and a Flame Trooper. These were not shown but I expect Poe’s hair piece will be the same as that of Superman in the current Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice sets.

75150 Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced and A-wing Fighter - £79.99
This is one of two sets based on Star Wars Rebels which were shown at the toy fair and is the better of the two in my opinion. Both Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced and the A-wing Fighter are the best versions of the respective craft yet due to the increased level of detail. The TIE Advanced is a little stubbier than previous versions to replicate the style seen in Rebels and includes a pair of spring loaded shooters in place of the laser cannons, just like 75082 TIE Advanced Prototype.

The A-wing is slightly larger than earlier models and features a new light bluish grey and dark green colour scheme. Two missiles are hidden underneath and the cockpit canopy is hinged to allow the pilot access. Best of all, the fins mounted above and below each thruster are angled to replicate their onscreen appearance perfectly!

Sabine Wren, an A-wing Pilot, Darth Vader and a minifigure listed only as ‘Grand Moff’ are included. Darth Vader’s helmet sculpt has been altered yet again to reflect the stylised version from Star Wars Rebels while the ‘Grand Moff’ is presumably Tarkin, who appeared in the first season, or a different character who has yet to be seen in the animated series. I suspect it is Grand Moff Tarkin, although Darth Vader and his TIE Advanced did not appear until season two and have yet to share the screen with Tarkin.

75151 Clone Turbo Tank - £99.99
I am quite disappointed by this set. The model is significantly smaller than 8098 Clone Turbo Tank, using these wheel elements which are moulded in dark bluish grey and capped with six stud wide dish elements. The suspension is similar to earlier versions of the Juggernaut and many of the play features are familiar too. An AT-RT can be placed inside the main hold and there are firing missiles mounted on both sides. The most interesting new function is the raising lookout tower which is controlled using a gear inside the tank. This works perfectly and is faithful to the movie but at the cost of its appearance which is spoiled by the visible gear racks.

The minifigure selection is equally mediocre in my view, consisting of a Clone Scout Trooper, Commander Gree, two Battle Droids, Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos. The last two of those are the most appealing but both have appeared in sets before, albeit with Star Wars: The Clone Wars styling.

75157 Captain Rex’s AT-TE Walker - £99.99
This too fell below my expectations, although it is quite a good set on the whole and I was perhaps too optimistic before seeing the model. I am impressed by the interior detail and the general shape of the model is accurate to the television series but it is smaller than I had anticipated and the bright colours of the platforms on the vehicle look odd in LEGO. Some colourful panelling appears on the AT-TE in Rebels but this is badly worn, an effect which cannot be replicated using the colours which are available to LEGO designers at present.

Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe and Gregor are included along with a Stormtrooper and an Inquisitor. The labelling did not specify which Inquisitor this is and the actual minifigure was not shown but I would assume it will be either the Seventh Sister or the Fifth Brother as both have only appeared in season two just like the Clones and their AT-TE.


The Buildable Figures, UCS sets and sets based on Rogue One were not shown.


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« Odgovor #401 poslato: Januar 25, 2016, 02:35:16:posle podne »
Hvala Dugme!  :smilie:
Sto se tice Sta Wars setova mogu da kazem da je zanimljiv izbor za drugu polovinu godine  :smilie:
Ima ponesto za ljubitelje klonova,rebels-a,tu su i setovi iz novog filma i na veliku radost svih dolazi nam darth vader-ov lovac sa a-wing-om u malo skupljem izdanju  :laugh:
Meni najzanimljiviji setovi su 75147 Star Scavenger i mozda najbolji iz ove serije 75157 Captain Rex’s AT-TE Walker
Povratak svima dragih klonova  :grin2:
Ova sklopocija je poslednji at-te koji je u funkciji od kada je imperija na vlasti i pojavljuje se u seriji Rebels i ima vrlo zanimljivu pricu,ko je gledao crtac zna o cemu pricam,a ko nije gledao savetujem mu da pogleda  :grin2:

Jedva cekam da vidim kako je lego odradio ovaj set!!!  :wacky:
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 25, 2016, 05:00:21:posle podne SithLord »


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« Odgovor #402 poslato: Januar 29, 2016, 07:47:07:posle podne »

Ne znam da li smeju da se kace slike star wars setova koji nam stizu na leto,ja imam samo ovu,pa u slucaju da je lego zabranio neka admin obrise! pozz
Setovi mi izgledaju skroz dobro  :grin2:
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 30, 2016, 11:15:35:pre podne SithLord »


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« Odgovor #403 poslato: Januar 29, 2016, 10:27:40:posle podne »
Ako su iz Nirnberga, mislim da je to sve javno?


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« Odgovor #404 poslato: Januar 29, 2016, 10:32:02:posle podne »
mislim da nisu, posto u Nirnbergu nije bila oznaka da je zabranjeno slikanje